September 14th. /TASS/. The Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko said that 723 thousand Russian citizens with a view are under the supervision of doctors.

«Today, 723 thousand citizens of the Russian Federation suffering from a new coronavirus infection are still under the supervision of medical workers,» he said in an interview with Rossiya-24 TV channelon Tuesday».

According to him, the healthcare system of the Russian Federation is ready to provide medical care, although a large burden remains on it. «First of all, our task is to stop this epidemic process. The most important and right way is vaccination of the population,» the Minister stressed. Murashko noted that it is necessary to ensure the epidemic safety of citizens before the onset of winter cold.

«Today, more than 46 million of our citizens have been vaccinated [against coronavirus] in the Russian Federation,» the minister informed.

He noted that there is enough vaccine against coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation, stocks are about one month in each region of the country. «Vaccination today shows effectiveness in the prevention of the disease, in rare cases, if a person even encounters an infection, the disease proceeds without serious complications,» Murashko said.

The Minister also added that there are no problems with registering for vaccination against covid, almost 12 thousand vaccination points, taking into account visiting teams, are working all over the country.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, about 225.3 million people have been infected with coronavirus in the world, more than 4.6 million have died. In Russia, according to the federal operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, 7,176,085 cases of infection were registered, 6,418,033 people recovered, and 194,249 died. The Government of the Russian Federation has launched the stopkoronavirus.rf resource to inform about the situation in the country.