82.8% of infectious disease beds occupied for patients with COVID-19


As of the morning of November 9, 82.8% of infectious disease beds for patients with COVID-19 were occupied in Russia, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. She noted that of particular concern is the continued increase in mortality among patients with coronavirus infection. Currently, there are 301.5 thousand [...]

82.8% of infectious disease beds occupied for patients with COVID-192021-11-17T17:01:47+03:00

Golikova proposed to centrally purchase medicines for hospitals


Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova proposed to provide for the possibility of centralized procurement of expensive drugs for hospitals. She stated this at the presidium of the government's coordinating council to combat coronavirus, writes RIA Novosti. “We propose to consider the possibility of a centralized purchase of certain expensive drugs for the provision of medical [...]

Golikova proposed to centrally purchase medicines for hospitals2021-10-29T17:06:13+03:00
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