As of the morning of November 9, 82.8% of infectious disease beds for patients with COVID-19 were occupied in Russia, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. She noted that of particular concern is the continued increase in mortality among patients with coronavirus infection.

Currently, there are 301.5 thousand beds in Russia, of which 201 thousand beds are equipped with oxygen supply. Of the total number of beds, 82.8% are occupied. In 41 regions, bed occupancy is higher than the national average, but many regions consciously keep a reserve of beds and are insured so that if hospitalizations increase, they will be insured with the availability of this number of beds, Golikova explained.

«But, of course, our particular concern is the continuing increase in mortality. We see that, according to operational data, unfortunately, a little more than a thousand of our citizens are passing away every day. But the analysis that we do shows that these are, as a rule, citizens who are over 60 years old, citizens who suffer from chronic diseases, and those who are not vaccinated,» the deputy prime minister said. According to her data, the level of collective immunity in the country averages 48.4%.