Вакансия: Менеджер по работе с корпоративным клиентами


В Компании «Национальный Центр Фармаконадзора» открыта вакансия Менеджер по работе с корпоративным клиентами для тех, кто хочет развиваться в продажах на фармацевтическом рынке. Обязанности: Поддержание действующей клиентской базы; Развитие отношений с существующими клиентами — фармацевтическими компаниями, помощь в выборе услуг по фармаконадзору, формирование уникального пакета услуг на выгодных условиях сотрудничества; Проведение переговоров на уровне первых лиц с [...]

Вакансия: Менеджер по работе с корпоративным клиентами2021-09-11T12:02:16+03:00

Управления рисками в фармаконадзоре


Одним из важных и новых направлений фармаконадзора является управление рисками. Последнее подразумевает необходимость и возможность раннего выявления рисков, факторов, способствующих их возникновению, а также разработка мер по изучению и минимизации рисков, связанных с приемом лекарственных средств.Риск — это вероятность возникновения последствия чего-то. Термин «риск» не всегда, но, как-правило, указывает на нечто негативное. В случае лекарственных [...]

Управления рисками в фармаконадзоре2021-11-07T13:32:47+03:00

Gender characteristics of the development of adverse reactions of drugs used in dermatological practice


In 2019, the indicator of the frequency of skin diseases and subcutaneous fat in the residents of the Russian Federation was 5977 thousand people, which accounted for 5.2% of the total morbidity of the population. The causes of skin lesions can be external agents (fungal flora, bacteria, parasites, viruses, allergen exposure) and systemic disorders of [...]

Gender characteristics of the development of adverse reactions of drugs used in dermatological practice2021-06-20T17:42:33+03:00

The role of pharmacists in the organization of the pharmacovigilance system in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Durmanova M.I., Krasheninnikov A.E., Safiullin R.S. This article is devoted to assessing the role of pharmacists in the pharmacovigilance system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For this, the method of questioning the employees of pharmacy organizations was used, during which the insignificant role of pharmacists in the pharmacovigilance system of the Republic of Kazakhstan was [...]

The role of pharmacists in the organization of the pharmacovigilance system in the Republic of Kazakhstan2021-06-20T17:21:55+03:00

Clinical researches


Our company provides a services related to CR.  In particular: Conducting clinical trials of early phases (Phase I) and bioequivalence studies, conducting post-marketing safety studies; Conducting pharmacovigilance in CR. Therefore, we decided to explain in a popular way what is meant by CR and into which phases it is divided. Clinical research of medicinal products [...]

Clinical researches2021-06-20T17:06:46+03:00

Organization of post-marketing pharmacovigilance at pharmaceutical enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Svechnikova E.V., Krasheninnikov A.E., Matveev A.V. For citation: Svechnikova E.V., Krasheninnikov A.E., Matveev A.V. Organization of post-marketing pharmacovigilance at pharmaceutical enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan. – Vestnik Roszdravnadzora. – 2020. – Vol. 5(1). – P. 85–91.DOI: https://doi.org/10.35576/2070-7940-2020-5-1-85-91 This article is devoted to the study of the organization of pharmacovigilance at pharmaceutical enterprises of the [...]

Organization of post-marketing pharmacovigilance at pharmaceutical enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan2021-06-20T17:07:17+03:00

Formation of a pharmacovigilance base using a mobile application


Analysis of reports of adverse reactions (AD) and cases of lack of effectiveness in the use of drugs (MP), which form the basis of pharmacovigilance, expert assessment and prediction of potential risks of drug use in clinical practice are among the tasks of the effective functioning of the pharmacovigilance system (FP). To ensure the possibility [...]

Formation of a pharmacovigilance base using a mobile application2021-06-14T23:22:06+03:00

Digital channels for collecting data on adverse drug events


Following the rules of good practice for pharmacovigilance of the Eurasian Economic Union, one of the processes for documenting the critical process of working with HP at the manufacturer of medicinal products, which should be reflected in the Master File of the FN System (MFSF) - the main document of the pharmacovigilance system, is the [...]

Digital channels for collecting data on adverse drug events2021-06-20T17:12:06+03:00

Information channels in the formation of the pharmacovigilance system


The development of information channels for improving the processes of monitoring and analyzing information on the safety of medicinal products is an important critical process of pharmacovigilance and the duty of the authorized person for pharmacovigilance (FDA) at the manufacturer of medicinal products. As part of the effective implementation of this routine process in the [...]

Information channels in the formation of the pharmacovigilance system2021-06-10T23:23:53+03:00

Regulatory requirements for pharmacovigilance


It is impossible to fully assess the safety profile of a new drug based only on clinical studies conducted for the purpose of subsequent registration of the drug. FN allows health authorities to continuously assess the balance of benefits and risks throughout the entire life cycle of a drug and makes it possible to identify [...]

Regulatory requirements for pharmacovigilance2021-06-10T23:16:08+03:00
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