In 2019, the indicator of the frequency of skin diseases and subcutaneous fat in the residents of the Russian Federation was 5977 thousand people, which accounted for 5.2% of the total morbidity of the population. The causes of skin lesions can be external agents (fungal flora, bacteria, parasites, viruses, allergen exposure) and systemic disorders of the functioning of internal organs (pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, autoimmune diseases). One of the directions of pharmacotherapy of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat is the use of dermatological agents, classified in accordance with the anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification of medicinal products (LP) to the category «D»-dermatological agents.
The aim of the study was to study the gender characteristics of adverse reactions (HP) that occur during local and systemic use of dermatological agents in patients living in the territory of the Republic of Crimea in 2009-2018. Materials and methods. The objects of the study were 126 cases of HP registered in the territory of the Republic of Crimea when using dermatological agents.
The study of the incidence of HP in the use of certain groups of dermatological drugs allowed us to determine that the most common HP was registered with the use of antiseptics (54 cases, 42.9% of the total number of registered cases of HP of the presented group of drugs), drugs for the treatment of wounds and ulcers (25 cases, 19.8%) and antifungal drugs for local and systemic use (22 cases, 17.5%). Significantly less often, HP occurred against the background of the use of drugs for the treatment of itching (9 cases), glucocorticosteroids and antimicrobial drugs for external use (6 and 4 cases of HP, respectively). The study of the gender characteristics of the development of HP when using the presented group of drugs revealed that female patients with HP (78 cases, 61.9%) develop significantly more often than male patients (47 cases, 37.3%). There was no indication of the gender of the patient in 1 card-notification of the HP of the drug (0.8%). Among the individual pharmacological groups, it is worth highlighting the group of antiseptics and disinfectants, in which the ratio of the frequency of HP between men and women was 1:2.2 (18 cases of HP in male patients and 40 cases of HP in female patients). The prevalence of HP in female patients was also observed in the use of antifungal drugs for external and systemic use (14 cases of HP-female, 8 cases of HP – male). The exception was the group of drugs for the treatment of wounds and ulcers, in the frequency of HP development, which was dominated by male patients (15 cases of HP – male, 10 cases of HP-female)
The study of the gender characteristics of the development of HP in the use of dermatological drugs for the treatment of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat allowed us to identify a higher frequency of their occurrence in female patients, which requires additional attention of health professionals when prescribing drugs for this category of patients.