The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has issued the 12th version of Temporary Methodological Recommendations for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), prepared by leading Russian experts taking into account the accumulated scientific data.

In the new version of the guidelines, the sections concerning laboratory diagnostics of COVID-19, radiation diagnostics, sections defining treatment tactics, including the management of pregnant women, have been updated.

So, for example, the section “Pathogenetic treatment” has been completely redesigned taking into account the accumulated experience of COVID-19 treatment – the criteria and timing of prescribing genetically engineered biological drugs have been clarified, information about possible drug combinations has been added. The specifics of prescribing anticoagulants have also been clarified.

New outpatient treatment regimens have been included, including the drug budesonide for patients with a mild course of the disease. For patients with a moderate course of the disease, a scheme with janus-kinah inhibitors (baricitinib and tofacitinib) was introduced.

The drug umifenovir is excluded from the treatment regimen of patients with risk factors, with a mild course of the disease in a hospital setting. The schemes for patients with moderate and severe course of the disease have been redesigned – etiotropic therapy has been optimized towards the use of more effective approaches (remdesivir, human immunoglobulin against COVID-19).

A new section has been added – “Antimycotic therapy”, reflecting the features of the treatment of invasive aspergillosis and invasive candidiasis in patients with a new coronavirus infection.

Information on the rational use of oxygen in respiratory support of patients has been added to the section on the treatment of emergency conditions. The section on specific prevention of COVID-19 has also been updated – it contains information on indications for vaccination in pregnant women.

Recall that in the course of work on each of the versions of the methodological recommendations, a working group including more than 100 Russian experts of various specialties conducts a thorough analysis of a set of data on the results of research and experience in the use of medicines. According to the results of the analysis, promising and sufficiently studied drugs are approved for use, and drugs that have shown relatively low effectiveness are excluded from the list of recommended ones.

The new version of the guidelines is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Health of Russia (full version and version in infographic format) and sent to the regions for use in practical work.

To get acquainted with the new version of the COVID-19 guidelines, follow the link:ВМР_COVID-19_V12.pdf