Yu. V. Olefir, B. K. Romanov, R. N. Alyautdin, V. K. Lepakhin,
A. E. Krasheninnikov, E. V. Shubnikova

The risk-based approach to pharmacovigilance control implemented in Russia since January 1, 2018 increases the responsibility of manufacturers and developers of medicines. The purpose of the work is to assess the system of Express reporting and Periodic reporting on the safety of drugs in accordance with the relevant requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Economic Union. The article continues a series of publications on recommendations for the preparation of reporting forms on pharmacovigilance. The article presents the results of the assessment of the state of elements of the system of drug safety control in Russia in terms of the preparation of reporting forms in accordance with the current regulatory requirements of national and international legislation for holders of registration certificates of medicines for medical use and developers of medicines. Recommendations for proper preparation of periodic reporting are proposed. The range of problems requiring additional assessment, in particular, the state of the system of regional centers for monitoring the safety of medicines in Russia is highlighted. The article is addressed to clinical pharmacologists, pharmacovigil commissioners, pharmacovigilance specialists, heads of medical and pharmaceutical organizations and medical authors.

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