On the opening day of the 25th anniversary of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, on June 15, 2022, the main business event of the pharmaceutical industry — the Russian Pharmaceutical Forum «Drug Safety» will be held for the second time. The event is organized by the Ros Congress Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Subcommittee on the Circulation of Medicines, the Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection of the Russian Federation. The Forum is held annually and is the leading platform for discussing the business agenda of the pharmaceutical industry.

Traditionally, the Forum will become a key platform for discussing a wide range of issues of drug provision, regulation of the pharmaceutical industry and combining the efforts of the state, business and representatives of society in achieving the goals of drug policy development.

Within the framework of the Forum’s business program, discussions will be held on challenges for the regulatory system against the background of sanctions and import substitution, increasing public confidence in domestic drugs, ensuring sufficient presence on the market of innovative drugs, including those that have no analogues, the development of mechanisms for the procurement of medicines, prospects for achieving technological independence of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, the development of R&D in the field of biotechnologies and pharmaceuticals, digitalization in the field of drug provision and other topical issues of the pharmaceutical industry.

Free participation in the Forum is provided to representatives of non-profit, state and budgetary institutions.

To participate in the Forum, you need to fill out an application for participation on the Forum website.

fill out the application

Official website of the event: https://pharmforum.org/.