This year the internship of students began in our company. You can find out how this happened, because we have described it in detailhere.

Intern Badrtdinov Albert Rifgatovich, 5th year student, Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, KFU, shared his story and impressions with us:

«I received a letter from the university that there will be an online meeting with a representative of the NSC «Pharmacovigilance»; I followed the link and listened to a presentation from Natalia Biryukova. The presentation interested me, besides, the company is ready to accept students without work experience, which convinced me to submit a resume to get to know the company better. Natalia provided her contacts; I emailed her my resume, after which she contacted me and offered to go for an interview.
The internship began with the training department, in which I began to perform tasks under the supervision of a coordinator, and at the same time get acquainted with the company, its departments, and the services it provides.
In the training department, I prepared a presentation on pharmacovigilance, showed it to the management, studied the instructions, made training schedules, etc. Now we are in the customer service department and are studying the 1C program. Thanks to the internship, I have improved my skills in working with some programs, and I am learning to work with more complex platforms, such as 1C and moodle.
If we move from the private to the general impression, it is positive: the company is not small, confident: with plans for further growth, development, expansion; management is pleasant, open to dialogue, going to a meeting.
From the very first day you begin to think about it: Is it worth it? If necessary? Is it your business? At first glance, it seems that the tasks are difficult, but thanks to the coordinators who are ready to point you in the right direction, and in which case they will show you how to complete the task, these questions disappear and the desire to stay in the team only increases in the company.
Summing up — yes, I thought about it, and already answered for — I want to work here, but in which department — this is already a question coming at the end of the internship.

According to the results of the internship in the ANO Scientific Research Center of Pharmacovigilance, it is possible to find employment in the National Scientific Center of Pharmacovigilance, or to receive recommendations.


Learn more about the internship

To sign up for an internship with us, you can fill out the form below or send your application to the HR Manager Natalia Gonchar by email

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