This year the internship of students began in our company. You can find out how this happened, because we have described it in detailhere.

Trainee Moiseeva Tatiana Viktorovna, 5th year, Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of KFU, shared with us her story and impressions:

«I received an email from the career center of KFU that there will be a Zoom conference with ANO NTC Pharmacovigilance.
I was just at that moment planning and looking for activities related to my specialty. There were other options, but the possibility of an internship in this field attracted more. So I immediately answered it positively. After the Zoom conference, I sent a resume to Natalia. We met in the near future and set a date for the start of the internship. The internship started with the training department. Each department trained for 3 days. We performed various tasks, the curators were always in touch and answered questions when we needed it. In general, I learned a whole new industry that is not in the curriculum. I was pleased with the office with a view of Kaban Lake and the Old Tatar settlement. It would be great to work in this company after completing the internship.»

According to the results of the internship in the ANO Scientific Research Center of Pharmacovigilance, it is possible to find employment in the National Scientific Center of Pharmacovigilance, or to receive recommendations.


Learn more about the internship

To sign up for an internship with us, you can fill out the form below or send your application to the HR Manager Natalia Gonchar by email

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