In our company this year the internship of students has begun! Meetings with 5th-year students of Kazan Federal University and the Russian National Research Medical University. N. I. Pirogova was conducted by the HR Manager — Natalia Viktorovna Gonchar.

On January 18, an online meeting was held with 5th-year students of Kazan Federal University who are interested in the development in the field of pharmacovigilance. And on February 4 with students of the 5th year of the pharmaceutical faculty of the RNIMU.Pirogova. To further interest the graduate students, they were presented with a small presentation about the history of the emergence of pharmacovigilance, about the basic aspects of the organization and conduct of pharmacovigilance about the laws that regulate it. Information was provided about the Pharmacovigilance Center, about services, and most importantly, about internships for graduate students and about development opportunities in the company in different areas of pharmacovigilance for employees. Students were interested in internship opportunities, they asked questions about the organization of the internship, how it goes, in what format, what needs to be done, how long it lasts, how to apply, etc. HR Manager Natalia Gonchar answered the questions of the guys in detail, described all the stages of the internship, in which departments it takes place. I drew attention to the fact that the internship includes training, practical tasks, and knowledge control. That you need to prepare for active «work».

Also present at the meeting was a recent graduate of the pharmaceutical faculty, Anna Kukleva, now an employee who has successfully completed a probationary period in the database department. She told her story of joining the company, and shared that her functionality and level of knowledge had already expanded significantly compared to the internship and the start of work.

Students were given contacts for operational communication, up to a certain date, 5-year students could send their applications, then a selection was made among the candidates: it was a small interview and testing, after which two people came to us for an internship.

From the first of February, these students came to us for an internship at the Pharmacovigilance Center. They are trained for three days in different departments of the company under the guidance of a Mentor. To date, students have already got acquainted with the specifics of work in 3 departments, studied the materials and completed a block of tasks in each of them. At the moment, the internship continues.

According to the results of the internship in the ANO Scientific Research Center of Pharmacovigilance, it is possible to find employment in the National Scientific Center of Pharmacovigilance, or to receive recommendations.


Learn more about the internship

To sign up for an internship with us, you can fill out the form below or send your application to the HR Manager Natalia Gonchar by email

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