The process approach is the most effective method of organizing the effective work of the company, starting from the late 70s of the last century to the present, and there is every reason to believe that it will remain so for a very, very long time. The essence of the process approach is the representation of the organization’s activities as a set of interrelated business processes.

❓A business process is a sequence of actions aimed at obtaining a given result that is valuable for the organization. For example, accepting a customer’s order, planning purchases, manufacturing goods, etc.

❗The fundamental difference between the process approach and others (for example, functional) is the concentration on the result and the optimal way to achieve it. The allocation of a part of the activity as a separate object — a business process — makes it possible to manage this object: to design, regulate, optimize, plan and control the indicators of the effectiveness and efficiency of the process. Thus, by managing all business processes, we manage the activities of the entire organization as a system of business processes.

Advantages of the process control scheme:

✅The focus of performers and managers on getting the result the company needs. The motivational schemes of the staff are tied precisely to the results;
✅A clear system of unity of command — one leader concentrates in his hands the management of the entire set of operations and actions aimed at achieving the set goal and obtaining the desired result;
✅Unloading of managers. They interfere with operational management only in case of significant deviations;
✅Managers are engaged in their direct responsibilities — the organization of effective management and development strategy;
✅An order of magnitude greater operational efficiency compared to other control schemes;
✅It is not critical for the company to change employees, since there is a mechanism for transferring knowledge to new employees (business process regulations).