and recognition

We express our gratitude to the staff of ANO «NSC Pharmacovigilance» for constant consultations in the field of pharmacovigilance, attention to quality and timeliness of work. I would like to highlight the professional approach to the preparation of reports on drug safety and the high level of skills of employees in matters of pharmacovigilance.
We hope for further successful cooperation!
NovaMedica Research Department staff

We are glad that we entrusted the pharmacovigilance system to the ANO National Scientific Center for Pharmacovigilance.
Colleagues prepare very high-quality documents (SOPs, PSURs, consumer responses, etc.). Periodic PV training is convenient for our employees in different regions (departure of a specialist in the Moscow office, webinars for different time zones of Russia, the departure of the coach at regional gatherings for 1-2 days). A consumer hotline is available 24 hours a day. The service is constantly being improved, the employees are pleasant to talk to, competent professionals.
We recommend it to everyone.
Sincerely, Sentiss Company

Компания ООО «Вокхард Био (Р)» выражает благодарность АНО «Национальный научный центр Фармаконадзора» за длительное и плодотворное сотрудничество.
Colleagues not only fully maintain the pharmacovigilance system, but also provide advice and assistance in preparing periodic updated safety reports at the request of the Ministry of Health under Government Decree No. 1583. All work is carried out with high quality and on time.
Once again we express our gratitude to the contractor and wish professional growth and development!
Workhardt company
I hereby confirm that Alkemy Pharma LLC has experience in cooperation with the National Scientific Center for Pharmacovigilance in the field of pharmacovigilance. During the cooperation, the company’s employees have shown high professionalism, creativity, and efficiency in performing the assigned tasks. Their work is up to the task, performed with high quality and strictly within the established deadlines. ANO «National Scientific Center of Pharmacovigilance» corresponds to a highly professional profile. Service is constantly being improved, employees are pleasant to talk to, competent professionals. From my part, I recommend the company as a reliable and responsible partner.
Sincerely, General Director of Alkemi Pharma LLC, S.M. Sidorov
Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Pharmzaschita» of FMBA of Russia expresses its gratitude and appreciation to the staff of ANO «National Scientific Center of Pharmacovigilance». Your company has demonstrated high scientific and technical potential, efficiency, and systematic approach to solving issues of organization of pharmacovigilance system at the enterprise.
We hope for further active and productive cooperation. |
acting director K.N. Filin

Pharmaceutical Industry Development Agency expresses its gratitude and appreciation to you and specialists of AON «NSC Pharmacovigilance» for assistance in organizing a conference with international participation on «Pharmacovigilance and safety of favipiravir use», which was held on November 12, 2020.
I would like to express special gratitude to Alexander V. Matveev for his presentation on «Updated data on the feasibility and prospects of favipiravir in patients with COVID-19. Management of risks of adverse drug reactions in clinical practice». We got a lot of positive feedbacks on his interesting presentation, high quality and accessible presentation of the material provided, and willingness to answer any questions that may arise. |
We wish you further professional success and look forward to continued cooperation in the implementation of pharmacovigilance in the Republic of Uzbekistan!
Director S. Kariev
BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND SYSTEMS ZAO would like to thank ANO National Scientific Center of Pharmacovigilance for cooperation.
I would like to note the high level of qualification of employees in pharmaceutical safety, a professional approach to the preparation of safety reports standard operating procedures, as well as to the organization of training for our employees. All work is carried out with high quality and on time. We are glad that we entrusted the National Scientific Center for Pharmacovigilance to conduct pharmacovigilance of our medicines. We hope for further productive cooperation and wish you professional growth and development! |
General Director V.A. Rostokin

Dear Anatoly Evgenyevich!
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the XVI National Congress «Modernization of Russian Industry: Development Priorities» I would like to thank you for your support of the event and the fruitful work within the strategic session «Formation of technological and production potential of pharmaceutical and medical industry».
Thanks to the joint efforts of the organizers, speakers, and partners we have managed to create a full-fledged working platform, which allowed experts from various fields to exchange experiences, and allowed entrepreneurs to present significant projects to a wider audience, share their achievements and developments that can significantly contribute to the development of key sectors of the Russian economy.
We wish you health and new professional victories!
We hope to continue our cooperation.